路由# 321076470

如何 Save Money on Groceries

October 11, 2019 6分钟

Ever since March 2020, when many areas began shelter-in-place policies, Americans have been spending more on groceries. With more of us cooking at home and altering our shopping habits, managing the weekly grocery budget has taken on a new importance. 我们希望你能最大限度地利用每一美元,这就是为什么我们编制了以下提示.

这15条实用的建议是我们帮助你最大化日常支出的另一种方式——所有这些都是关注你整体财务健康的一部分. For more tips on day-to-day spending, check out our 预算 page, which has everything from budgeting after a 收入下降 到一个 expense tracking 指南.

想办法…… save at the store

Plan meals around 出售物品

看看那些寄到你邮箱里的广告,或者上网看看那一周有什么特价商品. With an online search, 相对容易找到用打折的食材制作的食谱.

使用商店 忠诚卡

许多杂货店都有商店会员卡,可以让你在许多商品上享受更低的价格. 许多商店还将这些忠诚卡扩展为应用程序,让你有机会在卡上添加折扣. You can earn points to get discounted fuel at some chains, too.

作为交换,您将向商店提供您在一段时间内购买的数据. Especially if you’re using an app, 一定要检查你被要求分享的信息的细节.

试一试 grocery rebate app

有十几个杂货折扣应用程序可以为你节省杂货账单上的钱. Some may be a better fit for you than others based on where you shop, 你买什么, and what kind of information you’re comfortable sharing. 通常, 在你提供购物收据的图片后,杂货折扣应用程序会给你现金返还或其他好处, which indicates proof of purchase for particular items.

查看在线评论和你的设备应用商店,帮助你做出决定. Remember to check what information the app requires from you. 你可能还需要在几周的购物中试用几个应用程序,看看哪一个能给你带来最大的好处

Check the clearance section

Most grocery stores have a small clearance section. You probably won’t find something you need every time, 但是,如果你经常检查,你可能会得到一些很棒的交易——所以养成习惯,把参观这个地方作为你日常购物之旅的一部分. 一旦假期过去,商店通常会把节日用品放在那里——通常在截止日期之前还有很长的时间.

Circle the most expensive items on your receipt after each trip

When you get home from buying groceries, circle the three or four most expensive items on your receipt. 你可能没有意识到你在某些食物上花了多少钱, which could prompt you to make changes. This exercise will also help clue you in on what sales to pay attention to. 例如,如果你发现你在乳制品上花了很多钱,你可以注意乳制品交易.

Shop around for the 10 items you buy the most

把你的收据保存几周,以确定你最常买的10件商品. 然后在不同的杂货店比较一下这10种商品. 这将帮助你了解你家人吃得最多的东西在哪里最便宜.

Be wise when you buy in bulk

流行的说法是,大量购买可以省钱——但一定要检查你是否得到了真正的价值. 许多食品杂货通过大包装或多包装散装购买更便宜, but not everything is really cheaper. 比较“每盎司”或“每件”的成本较小的项目和散装尺寸. 也要记住保质期——如果一件商品在你使用之前就过期了,那么批量购买它就没有多大价值了.

Save money when you 提前计划

Have a grocery list before you go to the store


Limit your shopping to once per week or once every two weeks

If you grocery shop less often, 你在购物时更有可能考虑得更周到,因为你知道你再过一两周就不会回来了. 如果你有冲动购物的倾向,那么你每个月冲动购物的机会就会减少.

Avoid shopping when you’re hungry or stressed

People tend to buy more junk food, spend more money, and pick up more than they need if they shop while hungry or stressed. 如果你在一天的工作后感到压力很大,又饿着肚子想吃晚饭,那就不是购物的理想时间. 在一周中找一个你吃饱了、压力小的时间——这将帮助你做出更明智的决定,并坚持你的购物清单.

每个月或两个月留出一周作为“食品储藏室周”,用掉冰箱里已经存在的食物, 冰箱, 和储藏室. Chances are, there’s more food at home than you realize.

Cook with what you 在家里吃

Take stock of what’s already at home

许多家庭买了比实际需要更多的食品杂货,因为他们不知道家里已经有什么了. 在你列购物清单之前,盘点一下你在食品储藏室和冰箱里有什么.

Keep track of what’s going to expire

整理好你的食品储藏室和冰箱,这样过期的食物就不会被卡在你的家人再也不会吃的地方. 根据RTS废物服务公司2020年的一份报告,每年有数百万吨食物被浪费. Don’t let your grocery budget suffer because of this waste!

Let the internet help you use up ingredients

If you have a random ingredient left over (or two), use an internet search to find a dish that uses that ingredient. This way it won’t go to waste. 甚至有一些网站专门设计提供基于可用原料的食谱.

Have a “pantry week” every month or two

Set aside one week every month or every two months as a “pantry week.“花一周的时间把冰箱、冰柜和食品储藏室里的东西吃光. Chances are, there’s more food at home than you realize. 定期的“食品储藏室周”也可以帮助确保你在食物过期前享用它们.

得到一个 Patelco 检查 + account

虽然 Patelco + 检查 account will not directly save you money at the grocery store, 这是一个很好的方式,通过每天在杂货店的消费来提高你的底线. 这是因为该账户配备了自动汇总储蓄功能,匹配率为10%. 每当你在杂货店(或任何其他商店)使用借记卡时,, 我们将把您的总额四舍五入到最接近的金额,并将差额转入您的储蓄账户. 然后,我们会从全部金额中抽取10%存入您的储蓄账户.

For example, if your grocery run totaled $77.09, we’d deduct $78 from your checking account - -$77.09 to pay the grocery store and $0.91 to pay you (via a transfer to your savings account). We’d then add an additional 9 cents – bringing your total savings to $1. 随着时间的推移,这笔费用会越来越多,因为我们会为您的Patelco +支票账户上的每笔借记卡消费支付这笔费用. Learn more about the Patelco + 检查 account -包括其他巨大的好处,每年最多的匹配储蓄,和低费用.

